Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Community Covenant Church partners with a variety of local and global ministries. See below for a list of our partners or to contact us regarding becoming a part of our Mission Ministry.

Active Missionaries
Melissa Nguyen, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship / Santa Barbara, CA
Network Medical / Santa Barbara, CA
Santa Barbara Rescue Mission / Santa Barbara, CA
Steve & Lia Dunne, International Students, Inc. / Boise, Idaho
Susie’s Closet / Santa Barbara, CA
Tim & Kim Notehelfer, International Students, Inc. / Santa Barbara, CA
Network Medical / Santa Barbara, CA
Santa Barbara Rescue Mission / Santa Barbara, CA
Steve & Lia Dunne, International Students, Inc. / Boise, Idaho
Susie’s Closet / Santa Barbara, CA
Tim & Kim Notehelfer, International Students, Inc. / Santa Barbara, CA
Dan & Dianne Hintz, Wycliffe Bible Translators / Peru
Dennis & Susan Wadley, Bridges of Hope International / South Africa, Ethiopia, USA
Fabio & Johnna Muniz, ECC Serve Globally / France
Karyn Sorenson, Bridges of Hope International / Micronesia
Matt & Starr Arnold, Ethnos360 / Missouri, USA & Tepehuanes, Mexico
Rick & Eunie Johnson, International Action Ministries / Mexico, Central America, and South America
Roberto & Nancy Reed, Freedom in Christ International / Spain
Dennis & Susan Wadley, Bridges of Hope International / South Africa, Ethiopia, USA
Fabio & Johnna Muniz, ECC Serve Globally / France
Karyn Sorenson, Bridges of Hope International / Micronesia
Matt & Starr Arnold, Ethnos360 / Missouri, USA & Tepehuanes, Mexico
Rick & Eunie Johnson, International Action Ministries / Mexico, Central America, and South America
Roberto & Nancy Reed, Freedom in Christ International / Spain
At CCC we support many amazing missionaries! Our Mission Ministry keeps in contact with these different mission teams from all over the world. If you would like to learn more about the missionaries we support or would like to be part of the Mission Ministry, please fill out the form below.
Additionally keeping with our Church's purpose and the Great Commission, we encourage our members to consider going out to reach people near and far with the Good News of Jesus! If you are active in Community Covenant Church and plan on doing a short-term missions trip with financial support from our church, you will need to apply at least six (6) weeks before your trip.
For more information on our Mission Ministry or to request financial support, please fill out the form below and our Missions Ministry Coordinator will get back to you.
Additionally keeping with our Church's purpose and the Great Commission, we encourage our members to consider going out to reach people near and far with the Good News of Jesus! If you are active in Community Covenant Church and plan on doing a short-term missions trip with financial support from our church, you will need to apply at least six (6) weeks before your trip.
For more information on our Mission Ministry or to request financial support, please fill out the form below and our Missions Ministry Coordinator will get back to you.