Gathering as the Church to learn in God's word, Worship together, pray for one another and be the CHURCH isn't just a gift, it is what we are created to do! We love to share life together and are excited for you to come join us!

Musical worship is a key element in the mission of Community Covenant Church. With that said, we have spent the past 6 months planning our tech upgrades to better serve this ministry. We are going to address the following issues:
Our speakers are 25 years old and they no longer work. We are currently borrowing speakers. We want to replace broken speakers with functional speakers
The Soundboard is the life of our audio system, and week after week, we have been using a board that is very hard to work with. Our plan is to upgrade our board with one that is way easier to use, has better sound options, and will last for years.
25 years ago, most instruments were run with amps and mics. That is not the case today as most instruments run with digital connections and no amps.
source and use of funds
Click the link below to better understand our current support and goal in raising funds for this project
Cost Of Equipment
We Have a broken down list of equipment we intend on purchasing as the funds become available. Please see the list below.
support the project
This project is outside of our annual budget, and in faith we are moving forward as worship is a foundational element of the church. We invite you to join us in this journey, and as you fell led to give to this important project. You can give by selecting the worship enhancement project on the drop down menu.